The Community Relations division serves as the liaison between Travis Air Force Base and neighboring Bay Area. The division also manages both the Travis speaker's bureau and the base tour program.
Speaker's Bureau: If you are looking for a Travis Airman or civilian employee to address your group at a community event, we can help. Our speakers can talk about a variety of Air Force topics, ranging from Travis AFB's history and missions, to patriotism and Air Force core values.
A minimum of 30 days notice is normally required for speakers, and we reserve the right to cancel requests due to mission requirements in support of real world events. To request a speaker, contact the Community Relations Division at (707) 424-2010 or complete a speaker request form and fax to (707) 424-5936 or email the form to the email address located on the bottom of the form. Please provide your name and contact information (daytime phone and e-mail), the name of the group you are representing, the anticipated audience size and composition, suggested topic(s), allocated length of time for the presentation, the date, the time and the location of the event. Note that submission of a request does not constitute a commitment of support until you receive confirmation from us.
Base Tours: We offer assistance to ROTC, Junior ROTC, recruiting and Civil Air Patrol groups planning to visit Travis. If your group is interested in visiting the base, Outreach personnel can assist with your request. Itineraries are individually tailored based on each group's requirements. Tours are conducted Monday through Friday only during the business day.
A minimum of 30 days notice is required for all tours and requests are taken on a first come, first served basis. Schedules fill up quickly. You can contact us to check the availability of a specific date but a written request is required to schedule the tour. Tours are available for groups high school age and older.
To request a tour, contact the Community Relations Division at (707) 424-2010 or complete a tour request form and fax to it (707) 424-5936 or email the form to the email address located on the bottom of the form. When calling please provide your name and contact information (daytime phone and e-mail), the name of the group you are representing, the size of the group, and proposed dates for the visit. Keep in mind, due to the size of the facilities being toured, group sizes are limited to no more than 25.