Helpful Contacts

Airman and Family Readiness Center: (707) 424-2486

MPF Customer Service: (707) 424-8483 

ID Cards Information

TMO/ household Goods/ Transportation Office: (707) 424-2411

Permanent Change of Station information

Travis AFB Area Code: 707

Commercial Prefix: 424 (Excludes David Grant USAF Medical Center)
DSN Prefix: 837 (Excludes David Grant USAF Medical Center) 

Base Operator
(707) 424-1110

David Grant USAF Medical Center
Commercial Prefix: 423
DSN Prefix: 799

Travis AFB Base Locator: (707) 424-2798
Air Force Locator: (210) 565-2660
DSN: 665-2660

Action Line: (707) 424-3333
Please try to resolve questions/complaints with the appropriate base agency and/or chain of command before calling the Action Line.

Other Travis Phone Numbers
60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs
-- Public Affairs Office (707) 424-2011
-- Media Inquiries: (707) 424-2011
-- Noise Complaints: (707) 424-2011
-- Tours and Other Community Support: (707) 424-2011

60th Contracting Squadron: (707) 424-7711

Freedom of Information Act Queries: (707) 424-5668

David Grant USAF Medical Center (60th Medical Group)
-- Medical Appointments: (707) 423-3000 
-- Arthur J. Sachsel Dental Clinic: (707) 423-7000
-- 60th Medical Group Public Affairs: (707) 423-3534 

Information, Tickets, Travel: (707) 424-5659
Inspector General: (707) 424-2224
Legal Assistance: (707) 424-3251
Lodging Reservations: (707) 424-8000
Outdoor Recreation: (707) 424-0969
Space Available Information: (707) 424-1854
Travis Air Museum: (707) 424-5605

Moving Tips: 60th APS Traffic Management Operations Office

New DOD “Moving Your Personal Property” Pages on Military OneSource

The “Moving Your Personal Property” landing page provides DOD customers personal property moving information and support to prepare for their move this season. The page features links to different types of resources, customer service contacts, and the login button for Defense Personal Property System (DPS). Customers can access the pages at or on mobile devices with the following QR code.

 2. Managing Capacity Issues Impacting the 2022 Moving Season

As we enter a third year of working in a COVID-19 environment, moving companies, like many other business sectors throughout the world, are continuing to experience labor shortages, supply chain congestion, and other pandemic-related challenges. While DOD cannot control the environment, we are taking steps to mitigate the impact and offer advice to help customers prepare for and manage a move. Our key mitigation actions include:

  • Adjusting transit times to help reflect a more accurate estimated delivery date for customers.
  • Maintaining DOD efforts to limit number of moves per week to avoid overloading existing capacity.
  • Requesting moving companies only accept shipments they can handle safely with competent crews.
  • Encouraging moving companies to proactively communicate with customers when things go off-plan

While we hope the above actions will help provide some relief, we cannot emphasize enough for service members and their families to plan accordingly, proactively communicate, and not be afraid to ask for help. We offer this advice to help you prepare for your move and manage issues:

  • Do not delay! Request your move in DPS as soon as you receive your orders, so you have a better chance of securing the dates and services you will need.
  • Speak with your chain of command about delayed reporting options and other solutions if you are experiencing scheduling problems.
  • Prepare in advance for your move by ensuring your home and belongings are clean, organized, and ready to be packed. Also, plan to take necessary items with you in case your shipment is delayed.
  • Stay in close contact with your moving company on your booked dates and invoke the help of your local transportation office if your mover does not meet the agreed upon dates.
  • File inconvenience claims when moving companies fail to meet shipment dates as promised.

3. Update on POV Storage Reimbursement Amounts

If you stored a POV in a commercial storage facility instead of storing a POV under the government’s contract, you may have noticed a change in the reimbursable amount. 

  • On October 1, 2021, TRANSCOM transitioned privately owned vehicle (POV) financial processes from the (revenue-generating) Transportation Working Capital Fund (TWCF) to a bill-direct to the responsible military branch of Service.
  • TWCF funds are no longer required from the Services and instead, TRANSCOM is now billing POV services at the Global POV Contract (GPC) rates. The Joint Travel Regulations limit the maximum reimbursement to customers for commercial vehicle storage to what the government would have paid for the service. 
  • What does this update mean to you as a customer? Storing your POV under the GPC guarantees you will never pay out-of-pocket expenses for monthly storage.  You can still choose to arrange storage at a commercial storage facility not affiliated with DOD, but you could put yourself at risk for paying the balance, if you exceed the government’s maximum reimbursement cost.
  • Be an informed consumer; before entering into an agreement with a non-DOD facility, ensure you completely understand what storage and maintenance service fees you will be charged by a commercial facility compared to what DOD will reimburse you.  If you have questions about your reimbursement amount or POV storage options, please reach out to your local transportation office.

4. PCSing with a Pet

If you are traveling with a pet this PCS season there are a few key things to note while making your travel arrangements.

  • Pet space is limited on Patriot Express missions and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • Patriot Express pet reservations are made by your local transportation office when you request your passenger reservations and can be booked 90-120 days prior to departure.
  • Families are limited to two pets, and you are responsible for all costs associated with pet travel to include pet fees for Patriot Express and any connecting commercial airlines.
  • You are also responsible for supplying all required documentation and making all transportation arrangements for connecting commercial flights.

For more information on traveling with your pet, read the Passenger and Pet Transportation for PCS Moves and Moving with Pets articles, and visit the Air Mobility Command Pet Travel Page for detailed information.