Travis AFB Area Code: 707
Commercial Prefix: 424 (Excludes David Grant USAF Medical Center)
DSN Prefix: 837 (Excludes David Grant USAF Medical Center)
Base Operator
(707) 424-1110
David Grant USAF Medical Center
Commercial Prefix: 423
DSN Prefix: 799
Travis AFB Base Locator: (707) 424-2798
Air Force Locator: (210) 565-2660
DSN: 665-2660
Action Line: (707) 424-3333
Please try to resolve questions/complaints with the appropriate base agency and/or chain of command before calling the Action Line.
Other Travis Phone Numbers
60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs
-- Public Affairs Office (707) 424-2011
-- Media Inquiries: (707) 424-2011
-- Noise Complaints: (707) 424-2011
-- Tours and Other Community Support: (707) 424-2011
60th Contracting Squadron: (707) 424-7711
Freedom of Information Act Queries: (707) 424-5668
David Grant USAF Medical Center (60th Medical Group)
-- Medical Appointments: (707) 423-3000
-- Arthur J. Sachsel Dental Clinic: (707) 423-7000
-- 60th Medical Group Public Affairs: (707) 423-3534
Information, Tickets, Travel: (707) 424-5659
Inspector General: (707) 424-2224
Legal Assistance: (707) 424-3251
Lodging Reservations: (707) 424-8000
Outdoor Recreation: (707) 424-0969
Space Available Information: (707) 424-1854
Travis Air Museum: (707) 424-5605