
Upcoming Events
Here are some special announcements and upcoming events:

  • The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 16, 2025. Details on how to attend will be posted in early 2025. If you like more information for the RAB meeting, please email 


  • Because the interim health advisories are below detectable limits at non-regulatory levels, the Department is instead focused on EPA’s proposed nationwide drinking water standard. On March 14, 2023, the EPA proposed drinking water maximum contaminant level regulation for six PFAS. DoD respects and values the public comment process on this proposed nationwide drinking water rule and looks forward to the clarity that a final regulatory drinking water standard for PFAS will provide. In anticipation of the final standard that EPA expects to publish by the end of 2023, the Department is assessing what actions DoD can take to be prepared to incorporate EPA’s final regulatory standard into our current cleanup process, such as reviewing our existing data and conducting additional sampling where necessary. We remain committed to fulfilling our cleanup responsibilities, operating within the law and authorities provided by the federal cleanup law, and clearly communicating and engaging with communities. 


  • Travis AFB has awarded a 5 year period of performance contract to Sustainment and Restoration Services (SRS) to conduct a Remedial Investigation (RI) of areas on base where Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) was used to fight fires or for training and equipment testing purposes.  Older formulations of AFFF contained Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) and this project will collect the data necessary to define the extent and interaction within soil, groundwater, sediment and surface water of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) which are specific compounds that are found in these older formulations.  This older formulation is no longer used on Travis AFB.   

ERP Newsletters
Below are links to current and past newsletters. 



Contact us


If you would like to provide feedback on this website, its contents, or on any matter concerning the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration Program, please email the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration Program Manager at

If you would like to receive copies of the quarterly restoration program newsletter, The Guardian, please include your name and address in your message.


Travis Air Force Base hosts a rich eco-system within Solano County. There is an ongoing environmental cleanup program here to reduce the risk of chemical exposure, and protect human health and the environment. This program is called the Environmental Restoration Program (ERP).