60 AMW History Office

The 60th AMW Historian office is a wing staff agency with the mission to support the wing commander and the wing by providing historically relevant information to aid in decision making. The Historian promotes esprit de corps, professional military education and awareness of Air Force heritage through writing of special studies and conducting research to answer historical inquiries.
The historian objectively records wing history, and deploys to record contingency operations history, in order to preserve an official record of Air Force mission accomplishment. Histories and source documents are maintained at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell AFB, Ala. Copies of wing histories, along with additional historical documents, are maintained in the wing's historical repository. Preserving today so we look back on it tomorrow.
Additionally, the historian is the wing's focal point for organizational lineage, honors, heraldry, unit emblems and organizational flags.

Contact information

60 AMW HO Office:
