Environmental Management

Travis Air Force Base is an active military installation that conducts worldwide strategic airlift and air refueling missions.  These missions require proper aircraft and vehicle maintenance, repair, and training activities that comply with federal and State of California environmental laws and regulations.  The Travis AFB Installation Management Flight works with the various squadrons and tenant organizations to ensure environmental compliance is enforced.

The Environmental Compliance website covers the various aspects of proper environmental stewardship.  The Environmental Restoration website covers the cleanup activities that are addressing past contaminant releases.

Management System

Travis AFB is committed to excellence in all aspects of environmental stewardship activities using the Air Force Environmental Management System. This commitment and use of EMS applies to all activities, products and services associated with Travis AFB, its partner units and contractors.

Travis AFB is committed to compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and policy; reducing risks to the mission; preventing pollution and continuously improving environmental performance. Our goal is 100 percent compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental requirements while sustaining our mission.

Travis AFB will promote environmental quality throughout the mission by integrating and maintaining an effective EMS; protecting human health and the environment; incorporating environmental commitments to applicable policies and programs; encouraging an environmental culture across all levels of management; enhancing relations with regulatory agencies; partnering with all stakeholders to promote resource conservation and achieving continual improvement to environmental performance.

The attached environmental commitment statement for all personnel who provide products, services or activities on Travis AFB. Questions regarding EMS should be directed to the EMS coordinator, at (707) 424-2532. Any contractors or tenants requiring EMS General Awareness Training should contact EMS coordinator at 707-424-2532 for course application instructions.

Travis AFB Environmental Commitment Statement

EMS General Awareness Training

Environmental Participation

The public is encouraged to participate in the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration Program. Current information on the program can be found by navigating throughout this website. 

To receive up-to-date information on progress of the ERP, you can get on our mailing list for The Guardian; the Travis AFB Environmental Restoration newsletter that is mailed each quarter to interested community members. 

We also send out an electronic version of the newsletter (the E-Guardian) for those with Internet access who want to save paper and get the newsletter sooner. Tell us you want to be added to the mailing list of either the paper or electronic version by emailing us

One of the best ways to participate is to attend the annual Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meetings and make your opinions known. Below are several important links which will give you more information on the RAB and how to contact the RAB members, as well as a calendar of when public meetings are held.

If you would like information about future RAB meetings, please contact us at (707) 424-7520 or (707) 424-2812.  Your participation in the Travis AFB environmental cleanup program is welcomed! 

RAB - Click here for details on this important public Board 

Events - Click here for a listing of current news and upcoming opportunities for your participation.

Compliance Topics

The Compliance website covers the following areas of interest:

1. Environmental Management System (EMS) refers to the management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner.  The EMS establishes the organizational structure and resources needed to develop, implement and enforce policy for environmental protection. DRAFT FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI) AND FINDING OF NO PRACTICABLE ALTERNATIVE (FONPA)

2. Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) refers to the protection of people's health, safety and welfare from noise and hazards through compatible development in the airport environment.  The Department of Defense developed this program to address the challenge of land development around military air installations.

3. The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is a document that provides consumers with information about the quality of their drinking water.

4. Stormwater Management refers to the management of the quality and quantity of stormwater (water from rain events and snow/ice melt).  Proper stormwater management usually consists of both engineered control devices and systems to treat or store polluted stormwater (e.g., retention basin) and operational practices (e.g., street sweeping).

5. Invasive Species


Travis Air Force Base hosts a rich eco-system within Solano County. There is an ongoing environmental cleanup program here to reduce the risk of chemical exposure, and protect human health and the environment. This program is called the Environmental Restoration Program (ERP).


Phone: (707) 424-2812
Email: enviropa@us.af.mil


If you would like to provide feedback on this website, its contents, or on any matter concerning Travis AFB environmental programs and activities, please email the base Environmental Coordinator at enviropa@us.af.mil

If you would like to receive copies of the quarterly restoration program newsletter, The Guardian, please include your name and address in your message.