Environmental Compliance

A critical aspect of the success execution of mission-related activities on Travis AFB is the compliance with federal and State of California environmental laws and regulations.  The Installation Management Flight, a subset of the 60th Civil Engineer Squadron, is tasked with ensuring that all base organizations and tenants carry out their daily tasks without having an adverse impact on human health and the environment.


Environmental Compliance addresses a number of categories: hazardous material management, hazardous waste handling and disposal, air permitting, stormwater, petroleum/oil/lubricant (POL) management, and environmental management system implementation.  Several of these categories are described in more detail below.

Compatible Use Zone

Travis AFB releases its 2009 Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone (AICUZ) Study.

Drinking Water Report

Each year Travis AFB publishes an annual report on the quality of water delivered to the base. These reports cover the years 20122013, 2014, 2015, 20162017, and 2020

Under the "Consumer Confidence Reporting Rule" of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), community water systems are required to report this water quality information to the consuming public.
These reports provide detailed information on the source of our drinking water, its constituents and the health risks associated with any contaminants.

Hazardous Waste Management

Travis AFB manages the proper handling of hazardous waste through a Hazardous Waste Storage Facility. The  HWSF operates under the provisions of a State of California Part-B Permit.


Environmental Management

Travis AFB is committed to excellence in all aspects of environmental stewardship activities using the Air Force Environmental Management System. This commitment and use of EMS applies to all activities, products and services associated with Travis AFB, its partner units and contractors.

Travis AFB is committed to compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and policy; reducing risks to the mission; preventing pollution and continuously improving environmental performance. Our goal is 100 percent compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local environmental requirements while sustaining our mission.

Travis AFB will promote environmental quality throughout the mission by integrating and maintaining an effective EMS; protecting human health and the environment; incorporating environmental commitments to applicable policies and programs; encouraging an environmental culture across all levels of management; enhancing relations with regulatory agencies; partnering with all stakeholders to promote resource conservation and achieving continual improvement to environmental performance.

The attached policy letter and slide presentation are made available as general awareness for all personnel who provide products, services or activities on Travis AFB. Questions regarding EMS should be directed to the EMS coordinator, at (707) 424-2984.

Travis AFB EMS Policy Statement 




Interested parties are hereby notified that the United States Air Force, Travis Air Force Base (AFB), California has completed a revision of the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.

The US Air Force has prepared a draft revision INRMP for Travis AFB, California. This plan describes the existing natural resources on Travis AFB and details the proposed course of management for the next five years. The INRMP provides for the conservation and multi-purpose use of natural resources in a manner that is consistent with the military mission and compliant with applicable environmental laws and regulations. The INRMP is developed in coordination with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and meets the requirements of US Air Force Policy and the Sikes Act.

The Draft INRMP, dated August 2021, is available for review at the following locations:

  • Fairfield Civic Center Library - 1150 Kentucky St, Fairfield, CA 94533
  • Suisun City Library - 601 Pintail Dr, Suisun City, CA 94585
  • Vacaville Public Library Cultural Center - 1020 Ulatis Dr, Vacaville, CA 95688
  • Mitchel Memorial Library - 510 Travis Blvd, Travis AFB, CA 94535

The Draft INRMP can also be obtained at: https://www.travis.af.mil/Environment/Compliance/ Written comments and inquiries on the INRMP should be directed to:

Base Environmental Coordinator
60th Civil Engineer Squadron
411 Airmen Drive, Building 571
Travis AFB, CA 94535


Comments may also be faxed to the attention of Base Environmental Coordinator at (707) 424-2948.  Emailed comments will not be accepted.  The public review and comment period for the INRMP is 30 days from the publication date of this Notice of Availability.  If you have questions, please contact Base Environmental Coordinator at (707) 424-0891.



Phone: (707) 424-2812
Email: enviropa@us.af.mil

Stormwater Training

To become more familiar with stormwater, the following training material is provided:

Storm Water Training 2019


Stormwater is water that is generated from precipitation (rain events).  Once on the ground, stormwater can soak into the ground and add to the water beneath the water table, remain on the ground and evaporate back into the atmosphere, or run off and end up in nearby streams or creeks.  To prevent stormwater from accumulating on concrete and asphalt surfaces and causing potential hazards, Travis AFB has a storm drain system that receives the water and allows it to flow beneath the base and into Union Creek.  Union Creek eventually flows into Hill Slough and ends up in Suisun Marsh.

Stormwater Information

To understand the basics of stormwater and its management, the following resources are provided:

Save Water Tips

What Climate Change Means for California

Stormwater 22Apr2016

Kids Corner

Education is one of the best ways to promote environmental awareness and stewardship activities.  The following materials can be used to explain the fundamentals of stormwater protection to children:

Storm Water Word Activity Page

TAFB Storm Water Word Search Activity Page

Travis Pet Coloring Book


If you would like to provide feedback on this website, its contents, or on any matter concerning the Travis AFB Environmental Stormwater Program, please email the base Environmental Coordinator at enviropa@us.af.mil