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Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil

Fact Sheets Graphic

Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil



                                   KC-​46A Pegasus                          C-17 Globemaster III                              C-5M Super Galaxy



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TS060 - Old Skeet Range

The Old Skeet Range (TS060) is an inactive recreational skeet and trap facility that was in use between 1952 and 1964.  The Old Skeet Range was replaced by the active Skeet and Trap Range around 1962.  The old and active ranges overlap.  The Travis AFB Compliance Branch is responsible for ensuring that current recreational activities at the active skeet range comply with federal and State of California regulations.

The Old Skeet Range is approximately 9.2 acres of grassy fields and vernal pools in the western-central portion of the base.  The soil contains lead and polycyclic aromatic compounds, but groundwater has not been impacted by site activities.  The cleanup of the Old Skeet Range is being conducted under the Military Munitions Response Program.  Excavation of the contaminated soil from the Old Skeet Range is scheduled for 2017 as a removal action.