Fact Sheets Graphic

Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil

Fact Sheets Graphic

Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil



                                   KC-​46A Pegasus                          C-17 Globemaster III                              C-5M Super Galaxy



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Fact Sheets

  • Restoration Advisory Board (RAB)

    Why Have a RAB? Members of Travis AFB's Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) have voiced their appreciation in knowing about the environmental cleanup at the Base. Travis Environmental Management staff find they can accomplish a great deal with input from former employees and community members who have

  • RW013 - Low-Level Radioactive Burial Site #2

    RW013 Prior to Soil CleanupRW013 During Soil CleanupThe Low-Level Radioactive Burial Site #2 (RW013) was a fenced, back-filled trench that once received waste materials from the nuclear material maintenance activities in Building 903. This was the only site on Travis AFB with elevated radioactive