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Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil

Fact Sheets Graphic

Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil



                                   KC-​46A Pegasus                          C-17 Globemaster III                              C-5M Super Galaxy



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Fact Sheets

  • SD001 - Union Creek

    Union Creek - Prior to Sediment RemediationUnion Creek - During Sediment ExcavationSite SD001 consists of the main branch of Union Creek and the associated Storm Sewer Systems A & C. The main branch of Union Creek runs parallel to the southern portion of the base runway. Union Creek is not a source

  • SD031 - Building 1205

    Building 1205Aircraft and heavy equipment maintenance at Building 1205 dates back to the 1950s.  Most of the open portion of Site SD031 is paved.  A wash rack just south of the facility is still used to clean diesel engine parts.  Chlorinated solvents, benzene, and the metal nickel have been found

  • SD033 - Storm Sewer System B

    West Branch of Union CreekOutfall II after Sediment Cleanup and Site RestorationStorm Sewer System B (SD033) consists of the west branch of Union Creek, parts of Storm Sewer B, Buildings 810 and 1917, the area around the South Gate, and Outfall II. These facilities are listed as one site, because

  • SD034 - Building 811

    Building 811Building 811 (SD034) is located in the northwestern portion of the North/East/West Industrial Operable Unit and has an indoor wash-rack that is used to wash, strip, and treat aircraft parts prior to painting. Wastewater from the wash-rack flows into an oil/water separator (OWS) that

  • SD036 - Building 872

    Site SD036 consists of Buildings 872, 873, and 876 as well as several paved areas in an active industrial portion of the base. Buildings 872, 873, and 876 were built as multiple use shops in 1953, which included a wash rack and an oil/water separator.  Current uses of these facilities include paint

  • SD037 - Sanitary Sewer

    Portion of the Controlled Area at Site SD037The Sanitary Sewer (SD037) encompasses a large part of the original West Industrial Operable Unit (WIOU) and includes Buildings 837/838, 919, 977, and 981; the Ragsdale/V area; and the Area G Ramp. The buildings contain an oil/water separator, sumps,

  • SD042 - Buildings 929, 931 & 940

    Site SD042 Prior to Soil CleanupSite SD042 During 2003 Soil Cleanup ActionBuilding 929 is a storage shed near a former hazardous waste accumulation area. Building 931 is a maintenance facility for portable electrical generators. Building 940 is a former paint drying facility that was associated with

  • SD043 - Building 916

    Southeast View of Building 916Building 916 is the Emergency Generator Facility that once allowed the sump beneath two diesel generators to drain into an outdoor drainage ditch. A small trichloroethene (TCE) plume is downgradient of the facility. In addition, at least one electrical transformer on a

  • SD045 - Former Small Arms Range

    Soil Excavation at Former Small Arms RangeThe former Small Arms Range (SD045) is a decommissioned facility that was used for small arms training. Lead, antimony, and copper were detected in the soil.Based on human health and ecological assessments of the potential risks posed by the contaminants,

  • SS014 - Former Jet Fuel Spill Area

    The Jet Fuel Spill Area (SS014) is located along the jet fuel distribution pipeline in the southwestern industrial portion of the base. It consists of five distinct spill areas, three of which were determined in 2010 to require no further investigation or action. Soil and groundwater have been

  • SS015 - Former Solvent Spill Area

    Vegetable Oil Injection EquipmentThe Solvent Spill Area covers about 1.4 acres in an area previously used for stripping paint from aircraft and includes Facilities 550 and 552. Building 552 consisted of a fenced, bermed concrete pad that was formerly used as a temporary hazardous waste collection

  • SS016 - Former Oil Spill Area

    Central Groundwater Treatment PlantFilling of SS016 Bioreactor with MulchThe former Oil Spill Area (SS016) consists of an area where waste oil reportedly was disposed of or spilled; it covers about 240 acres and includes Buildings 11, 14, 20, 42/1941, 139/144, and the Storm Sewer Right of Way. The

  • SS029 - Monitoring Well 329

    Construction of the SS029 Groundwater Extraction SystemMonitoring Well 329 (SS029) represents an open field that is located south of an abandoned taxiway in the south-central portion of the North/East/West Industrial Operable Unit.  Aircraft maintenance activities near the well are suspected of

  • SS030 - Monitoring Well 269

    Conveyance Piping to Connect Off-base Wells to Treatment PlantMonitoring Well 269 (SS030) is located at the south boundary of the base adjacent to Building 1125, a communications facility. The facility's septic system may be a source of solvent-contaminated groundwater that has migrated 1,700 feet

  • SS035 - Buildings 818 & 819

    North View of Site SS035Buildings 818 and 819 (SS035) contain a wash area, an oil/water separator and sump, a hydraulic lift storage area, and a hazardous materials accumulation area. Asphalt and roadbase cover most of the site, although there is some exposed soil and grass along the east end of

  • SS041 - Building 905

    Building 905Soil Cleanup Action at Site SS041Site SS041 consists of two components: Building 905 and the Cypress Lakes Golf Course Annex.  The golf course is located about 2.5 miles north of Travis AFB and contains a maintenance yard that had pesticide contamination in the surface soil.  Groundwater

  • SS046 - Railhead Munitions Staging Area

    The Railhead Munitions Staging Area is a concrete pad next to a railroad spur near the conventional munitions storage area (A Bunker). The inactive railhead was used to bring munitions to Travis AFB. These operations resulted in the deposition of metals and PAH beneath the railroad tracks and in

  • ST018 - North/South Gas Stations

    Horizontal Drill Rig Installs Piping for ST018 Extraction SystemSolar Panels Power Two ST018 Groundwater PumpsThe North/South Gas Stations are located on opposite sides of Travis Avenue, directly across from one another and adjacent to site FT002. Both gas stations are active facilities. Leaking

  • ST027 - TF-33 Test Stand Area

    The TF-33 Test Stand Area consists of 35 acres in the Travis AFB flight line that has been used since 1957 for jet engine testing, aircraft testing, and fuel storage.  Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) have been identified in the local soil and groundwater. Hydraulic oil has been observed seeping

  • ST028 - Buildings 363 & 1201

    Buildings 363 and 1201 are facilities in the vicinity of several underground fuel storage areas.  One underground storage tank was used for hazardous waste storage.  This fuel farm contained eleven 25,000-gallon fuel tanks from 1948 to 1983; all of these tanks were removed from the site by 1995. The

  • ST032 - Monitoring Well 246

    Field in Vicinity of Monitoring Well 246Site ST032, which was identified with Monitoring Well 246 site, is located in the eastern portion of the base.  It consists of grassy fields surrounded by a runway, taxiways, and the aircraft parking apron.  Two distinct groundwater zones were identified at