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Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil

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Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil



                                   KC-​46A Pegasus                          C-17 Globemaster III                              C-5M Super Galaxy



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LF007 - Landfill #2

LF007 Subsidence Trenches - Prior to 2003 Landfill Closure

LF007 After 2003 Landfill Closure

LF007 Cleanup of PCB-Contaminated Soil Along Eastern Side of Landfill

Top of Corrective Action Management Unit Today

Landfill #2 (LF007) is a closed landfill that occupies about 73 acres. It was operated as a trench-and-cover landfill from the early 1950s to 1974 when it was closed and capped with native soil.  The landfill was used primarily for the disposal of general refuse, such as wood, glass, and construction debris.  From the early 1950s until 1964, a portion of the eastern part of the landfill was used to store excess waste materials, including oils, hydraulic fluid, and solvents, for resale or disposal.  Three separate areas of groundwater have been contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE), benzene, chlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and dioxins. One of the plumes, which has low TCE levels, extends off- base to the north.  Chemicals of concern in the soil include PAHs, PCBs, TPHs, and metals which may be a source of potential human health and ecological risks.

The Travis AFB Groundwater Record of Decision selected Groundwater Extraction and Treatment for the off-base TCE plume and Monitored Natual Attenuation for the benzene, chlorobenzene, PCB, and dioxin plumes.  The Site LF007 MNA monitoring networks were established in 2015, and groundwater monitoring is ongoing for the benzene and chlorobenzene plume.  Groundwater cleanup levels have been achieved for the PCB and dioxin plumes.  A groundwater extraction system that is powered by two solar panels is in place at LF007 to pump the TCE-contaminated groundwater back to the base and treat it by the LF007C Groundwater Treatment Plant.  Operation and Maintenance and routine groundwater monitoring are ongoing for the final groundwater remedy.

Based on human health and ecological assessments of the potential risks posed by the soil contaminants, the NEWIOU Soil, Sediment, and Surface Water Record of Decision selected Excavation for the soil at this site.

In order to address the large volumes of contaminated soil that would be generated by soil cleanup actions across the base, the West/Annexes/Basewide Operable Unit (WABOU) Soil Record of Decision established a Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU) at LF007.  A CAMU is a designated area within a facility that is designed to carry out a corrective action, such as the management of contaminated soil.  The Travis AFB CAMU is a soil repository that received most of the excavated soil from other on-base soil sites.

In 2002, the base completed the necessary landscaping for proper drainage and removal of minor surface debris at the closed landfill.  The above photographs show the portion of the landfill before and after the maintenance activities which serves as the CAMU foundation.  In 2003, the base built the first portion of the CAMU structure, using excavated soil from three WABOU sites.

In 2007, the base completed the construction of the CAMU (shown above), using excavated soil from one WABOU and three NEWIOU sites.  One of the sources of soil was the eastern side of LF007, which was contaminated with PCBs.  The soil cleanup action of the eastern side of LF007 achieved residential cleanup levels for all chemicals of concern, so there are no Land Use Controls in place at this portion of the site.  Land Use Controls are in place for the CAMU and the rest of the closed landfill.