Lifting Aboveground Storage Tank from its Cradle
Preparing Tank for Highway Transport
South Base Boundary Groundwater Treatment Plant
Fire Training Area #4 (FT005) covers about 30 acres in the southern portion of the North/East/West Industrial Operable Unit. FT005 was used for fire training exercises from 1962 to approximately 1988. From 1962 until the early 1970s, waste fuels, oils, and solvents were burned at the site during training exercises. Only fuels were burned from the early 1970s until the training area was closed. The primary groundwater contaminant is 1,2-dichloroethene. Contaminated groundwater from this training area has migrated 1,800 feet beyond the south base boundary. Metals, TPH, and PAHs were also detected in the soil which posed potential human health and ecological risks.
The plume of contaminated groundwater was fully encapsulated in June 2002 and is being pumped back to the base and treated at the South Base Boundary Groundwater Treatment Plant (shown above). Routine operation and maintenance and monitoring of the final groundwater remedy are ongoing.
Based on human health and ecological assessments of the potential risks posed by the soil contaminants, the North/East/West Industrial Operable Unit Soil, Sediment, and Surface Water Record of Decision selected Excavation for the soil at this site.
In the summer of 2007, Travis AFB carried out the first part of a soil cleanup action at FT005. The 25,000-gallon aboveground storage tank that sat in a concrete cradle was placed onto a flatbed trailer (shown above) and transported off-base to a metal recycling facility. The cradle has since been torn down and removed. The excavation of PAH-contaminated soil was completed in 2012.
In 2015. the base initiated a technology demonstration that will measure the rate and potential limit of Total Organic Carbon dispersal achievable using emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) injections combined with groundwater extraction. The results of this demonstration will support optimization approaches for sites where enhanced reductive dechlorination is a component of the final groundwater remedy. The demonstration will be performed over a period of up to six years and is expected to end by 2021.