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Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil

Fact Sheets Graphic

Travis Air Force Base Fact Sheets

This database holds fact sheets on Travis Air Force Base weapons, organizations, inventory, careers and equipment. Air Force fact sheets contain up to date information and statistics. If a fact sheet is not listed, please contact the 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office at 60amwpa@us.af.mil



                                   KC-​46A Pegasus                          C-17 Globemaster III                              C-5M Super Galaxy



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Fact Sheets

David Grant USAF Medical Center - General / Vascular Surgery Residency Program

The David Grant USAF Medical Center's General Surgery residency program has merged with the University of California Davis General Surgery program. DGMC has two categorical slots and four preliminary slots available for the PGY-1 year. Selection is made by the Joint Service Graduate Medical Education board.

Most, but not all, residents participate in a one or two year research experience (clinical or laboratory). The research experience is tailored to the career goals of the individual and permits either a commitment to a specific clinical discipline for extended specialized experience, or a commitment to bench research.
For information about the UC Davis General Surgery program, click the following link:


Residency Programs
UC Davis/DGMC General Surgery Residency Program
UC Davis/DGMC Vascular Surgery Residency Program

Contact Information:
General Surgery Residency Program Coordinator
David Grant USAF Medical Center
101 Bodin Circle - Bldg 777
Travis AFB, CA 94535-1800

DGMC / UC Davis Associate Program Director
Phone: (707) 423-5225
DSN: 799-5225

Residency Coordinator
Phone: (707) 423-5180
DSN: 799-5180